Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Paranormal and Me

While growing up, in my 32 years I have seen and experienced some things that are strange and unexplainable. Like many people, I have dismissed these things and have tried to come up with some type of logical , or scientific explanation. These may include sightings, sounds, and encounters. No matter how hard you try to come up with that explanation, you can't. This helps to further my belief in the supernatural. I belief there are evil spirits as well as good spirits. The paranormal may include a wide variety of subjects, such as life after death, a belief in spirits or ghost, spells, witchcraft, and many others. This course should be interesting to say the least. I will be interested to hear others views, opinions, and stories of various subjects that we will encounter during this course. During this course, I will assume that we will be writing about our past experiences with the paranormal, and researching information pertaining to this subject.

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