Sunday, February 22, 2009

Comparing Research Material for My Essay # 2

When beginning to research my essay, I deiced to use several different publications. Five of which are books, and two were Internet sources. The first book I researched was called Find Me, it is written by Dan Baldwin. The second is Adventures of a Psychic, Fascinating and Inspiring Story of One of Americas most Successful Clairvoyants. it was written by Sylvia Browne. The third was The Truth About Medium by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD. Fourth, was called Dread by Ali, and the fifth was Psychic Eye, a Psychic Eye Mystery by Laurie Victoria. The two Internet sources I deiced to use were Police Department Evaluation, Do Police department Really use Psychics? at www., and Police Psychic, do they Really Help Solve Crimes? at www. Out of all these resources, the best three were Adventures of Psychic, and Psychic Eye, a psychic eye Mystery, and Find me. These had the most information I could use to prove my point of view on the subject. They also had more reliable information sources and were better suited to prove my thesis statement. Dread, was a book that was not what i had suspected. It was a book with several different poems on the subject of psychic. It wasn't helpful at all. The two Internet sources were helpful with providing a little information about real police cases that were solved with the help of psychics.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How I'm Researching My Thesis Statement

When starting my thesis paper, I decided to do it on a subject that I was for and not against. This made it easier for me find reasons to to support my claim. I decided to use all books as my non-web sources as non-fiction books are a good source of accuracy of events. This was suggested inside the reading material on researching and information sources as well. The books that I have selected are all featured at the Free Public Library. I used the Kentucky Libraries by County site to reserve my book titles for pick-up. I also used good old fashion foot work before I used this option and went to the main library and researched the topic. When I read the recommend site about thesis, I gained a better understanding of what a thesis was and how to make mine stronger to support my views.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What is Persuasive Writing All About?

Persuasive writing is when a writer is trying to get the reader to see, and understand their point of view through there writing. This is done by a writing making a thesis statement that can be debatable. This statement shouldn't be too board. Like in other writing pieces, a persuasive piece should include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion as well. When the writer writes this piece, they should try to appeal to the readers logic, and understandings. The writer needs strong evidence to support the claims they have written. This includes using reliable sources, and remembering to cite these source accurately. The writer has to also keep in mind not to bully, or threaten a reader to see ther point of view.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Process of Revising Essay # 1

When I revised my essay, I took into account what was the meaning of revision. I will be honest, I thought like many others, that revision was just proofreading an assignment. After reviewing the information on the suggested website, I used some of the helpful tips that were listed. I learned that revision requires you to be objective in your writing. Some of the tips I used were, I waited two days before I revised it so I could have a fresher view point of what I had written. I used some suggestions from the peer view as well. These were things like sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, and also wording. I also tried to revamp my ending and make my opening statement more catchy to the reader. I also allowed others to read my eassy to voice their own opinions.